Affiliate Disclaimer

VPNveteran occasionally participates in affiliate marketing, allowing us to include affiliate links on certain pages. If you make a purchase through these links on our website, VPNveteran may receive a commission.

This commission supports our efforts in conducting tests and reviewing various services.

Additionally, we may provide links to various services or companies without any business or financial associations.

Transparency in Editorial Practices

All the guides, articles, and reviews published on our website are independent of any revenue generated from affiliates or our parent companies.

We do not receive any form of compensation for featuring specific brands or content.

If any of our editors have personal investments or connections to a service or company that could create a conflict of interest, we are committed to immediately reassigning publishing responsibilities to another editor.

Review Process

Every product reviewed on our platform undergoes rigorous testing conducted by the VPNveteran team. This ensures maximum impartiality in our reviews and provides you with reliable recommendations.

Our primary objective is to equip you with both practical and non-practical tools to safeguard your privacy and security while browsing online.

Separation of Editorial and Marketing

To maintain the integrity of our content, we have implemented a clear separation between our editorial and marketing teams.

Neither team has the ability to exert influence over the other.

Our marketing team is solely responsible for placing affiliate links and call-to-action elements on specific pages.

As a result, VPNveteran may earn commissions when users make purchases through these links.